- Devlog #1 - 6/20/2024.

Jemy Here:

I'm starting the new devlog.

UN_ROTTEN has been a great project for me, and its development has been extensive and extreme. But it's finally taking shape.

Each day a new idea pops up in my head and I quickly write it down and code it in. This first Devlog is to show all the work I've done since September of 2023 to this day...

  • The First Phase:
    • I didn't know what I was doing in the First Phase of the game. The graphics were horrible and I couldn't code a single thing in the game.
  • The Second Phase:
    • Finally learned to do stuff and the game began taking shape. Everything looked sharper and better although still bad.
    • The New Sprites:
      • During this phase, I created new sprites for the game, and the logo finally appeared!
  • The Third Phase:
    • The game's functions were done in my mind... Until they weren't. I had to re-make them from scratch too. 
  • The Fourth Phase:
    • Here we are. I created better menus, better sprites, and better graphics (finally added post-processing).

Although I've come far, the game is still far from being done... but I have the goal of finishing before or early 2025!

jemy out.

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